
About Us

At Camelot Holdings we are a private investment holding vehicle focused on emerging market public and private securities. Situated at the heart of Dubai, UAE we engineer bespoke financial solutions that transcend geographical boundaries, marrying absolute return strategies with adept management of event-driven scenarios. Our ethos transcends mere profit; as strategic investors, we deftly navigate both public and private financial instruments, including ventures into private equity investments.

Rooted in a culture of collaboration and diversity, we are adept at navigating the intricate nuances of local market conditions and regulatory frameworks. This expertise ensures our investment targets receive nothing short of exceptional service and guidance. Driven by an unwavering commitment to innovation and excellence, we are reshaping the financial services landscape one tailored solution at a time. With a global perspective and a localized touch, we lead the charge in empowering clients to traverse the complexities of the contemporary investment landscape confidently.

Embracing a forward-thinking approach, Camelot Holding Ltd. Group champions sustainable growth and lasting impact. Our dedication to excellence, coupled with a nuanced understanding of emerging market dynamics, positions us as architects of financial evolution.

Who We Are

Strategic Investment Holding

Strategic Investment Holding

We operate as a dynamic investment holding vehicle, strategically positioned to capitalize on emerging market opportunities in both public and private securities.

Focused on Emerging Markets

Focused on Emerging Markets

Our primary focus lies in emerging markets, where we identify and leverage promising investment avenues across diverse asset classes.

Dynamic Portfolio Management

Dynamic Portfolio Management

We employ a dynamic approach to portfolio management, constantly adapting to market conditions to optimize returns and mitigate risks.

Long-Term Vision

Long-Term Vision

Anchored by a long-term vision, we seek to foster enduring partnerships and create lasting value in the evolving landscape of emerging market investments.

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